Trump appointed head of the FAA resigns…BOOK RELEASE…Coincidence?
“Nevertheless, after sometimes long and unavoidable periods of separation from my loved ones during the pandemic, it is time to devote my full time and attention to them. As I wrote in my letter to President Biden, it is time to go home.”
Steve Dickson: FAA Administrator
judge finds head of faa STEVE DICKSON’s testimony ‘less than credible’ IN WHISTLEBLOWING PILOT CASE!
At a recent trial involving Delta pilot Karlene Petitt, the head of the FAA, Steve Dickson was described as ‘Less Than Credible’ in relation to his testimony by a judge.
Dickson, appointed by President Trump as FAA Administrator has now decided to resign only halfway through his tenure as FAA Administrator.
Karlene Petitt, a pilot at Delta Airlines, brought a legal case against Delta and its senior managers, including Dickson. It was a case that revolved around presenting Delta with her serious flight safety concerns while he was a senior manager at Delta Airlines and their retaliation for doing so.
Instead of dealing appropriately with these concerns, Dickson and other senior Delta managers arranged to have Karlene sent to a psychologist. Interestingly, without any evidence the psychologist concluded Karlene was bipolar and the Delta pilot was grounded.
Dickson has now decided to resign, using the age-old reason of wanting to spend more time with his family.
Is it therefore just coincidence that Dickson’s decision to relinquish the top job at the FAA is before two book’s exposing his involvement are released? One of those book is “Pulling Wings From Butterflies – Tercio de Muerte”. Among other facts, the book details how much Delta paid to the ‘psychologist’ for his ‘findings’.
Has it really got to the stage that the only way to hold individuals, airlines, unions and regulators to account for failures that directly place passengers and crews in danger is exposing the realities in a book?
I am pleased to announce that the foreword for the second book in the “Pulling Wings From Butterflies” trilogy has been written by Karlene herself.
The book is to be released once the Crown Prosecution Service in the UK complete their review of the case surrounding information brought to police attention that are contained within the three book series
The year was 2016 when I first connected with Captain Mike Simkins and learned of his case that ultimately became the story on which you are about to embark.
While these events in Mike’s life are nothing short of a legal thriller, I was not surprised at the depths that Thomas Cook management dove to sink him for refusing to operate a flight while fatigued. I was not shocked that the CAA provided management with the oxygen tanks to ensure his drowning.
I wasn’t even stunned when BALPA stood smugly on the shore, watching the attack without assistance. However, I was slack-jawed as I read the details of this courtroom drama that paralleled a tragedy on the other side of the world, one of which I was personally involved.
Mike’s story is not unique to the UK. Airline management is attacking pilots in the US for reporting Federal violations that impact safety, calling in fatigued, or refusing to operate an aircraft illegally. Be it a letter of warning, suspension, termination, or a fabricated psychiatric evaluation that would ground a pilot for life.
EBOOK £5.99
4 in stock
4 in stock
Due to repeated demand, it was decided to re-print the book ‘Pulling Wings from Butterflies – Tercio De Varas’.
The book printers however became somewhat ‘artistic’ with the back cover. This resulted in twenty being printed before the error was noticed.
Although the back cover ‘blurb’ is as understandable as the rules relating to the safety car in a Formula One Grand Prix, the contents within are not affected.
‘Pulling Wings from Butterflies’ tells the true story the aviation establishment DON”T want telling; those dreaming of becoming pilots and cabin crew WON”T want to hear; and passengers NEED to know.
If you would like a signed copy of one of these twenty unique hardbacks, they will be sold on a first come, first served basis. As they say, ‘when they’re gone…they’re gone’.
1 in stock
part one - Tercio de varas
The first book in the trilogy begins by following the unique journey of Captain Mike Simkins from touring Europe as a drummer and performing with some of the most prominent musical artists of the late ’80s, to becoming a commander on the world’s most advanced passenger aircraft.
Ultimately, the wings were pulled from the butterfly of a dream career when, Mike stood alone to confront a multibillion-dollar aviation establishment when he refused to place profit before safety.
PArt TWO - Tercio de banderillas
Will the pilot union BALPA and the regulator, the CAA, support a legal case of major significance to the safety of airline passengers and crew?
What’s the reason unions and regulators allow airlines to have ‘Cash Cadet’ pilots with zero jet experience pay them to fly fare-paying passengers?
Why do pilots agree to fly when dangerously fatigued that directly places not only themselves but their passengers and crews in danger?
What was the answer from the Thomas Cook CEO to the question ‘did the company put profit before safety’ in relation to two children’s death in Corfu?
How will a pilot with zero legal experience confront a multimillion-pound multinational at trial?
part three - Tercio de MUERTE
Crews admit that they are knowingly flying duties in the full expectation they will suffer fatigue. They are committing these criminal acts due to the “Bullying” culture at one of the UK’s biggest airlines.
The CAA is provided with irrefutable proof that duty times are knowingly falsified to make it appear they conformed with strictly laid down maximum times and that pilots are flying at the equivalent effectiveness of a drunk driver. Their response? ‘Get over it.’ .